Sunday, May 6, 2012

Chili Crabs - At Last!!

So I have been here for almost 2 months and finally experienced the Singapore Chili Crab and Pepper Crab!
Jereme and I went to Jumbo Seafood on the east coast.  There are numerous Jumbo outlets in Singapore, but we decided to go on a Friday night and finding a reservation was nearly impossible.  After some serious help from Ravin at Scott's Square (thank you Ravin!) - we got a reservation ay 8:30pm.
We were told to arrive early and luckily were seated outdoors.  It was a nice evening in Singapore and was not hot.  I actually wore jeans for the first time since arriving!

We ordered up one Chili Crab and one Black Pepper Crab as well as a jug of Iced Lemon tea, 2 dumplings for Jereme and a small order of seafood fried rice.
The crabs take about 45 minutes to prepare.   The rice came out quickly so we dug in and enjoyed the cool breeze.  At last the crabs came out....the Pepper Crab came out first.  We were given bibs (like when you eat lobster in the US), and started to navigate our way through this delicious, messy dish!
The pepper was PEPPERY!  The chili crab was tangier and had a savory flavor.

After digging in, it became apparent that I was looking more like a 2 year old - with pepper sauce and chili sauce all over my hands.  A few times it ended up on wrist and in my watch band.  I made a mess!  Jereme did too - but I exclaimed at the end of dinner that I was "pig pen" from the Peanuts!
Luckily there was a wash bowl for our hands and a lot of wet wipes.  We got cleaned up and wandered a bit before getting a taxi to head back to the city.

I did have to soak my rings and watch in a warm soapy solution - and all was well again!

YUMMY!  Delicious Pepper Crab! 

Pepper Crab on the left - Chili Crab on the Right! 


OOPS - I made a mess.....

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